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Has SSH out to the internet been opened on the private-address public-use VLANs? (eg 172 and 192) addresses? If so this would be an interesting turn of events.
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I am also presuming emilevictor is a student user of the internet. I doubt ITS would punch a hole out for a single student user, especially given the life cycle of those DHCP leases. The fact that Windows MSN works fine is irrelevant - it is that way because Microsoft gave the Windows client the ability to communicate through the HTTP proxy. (And to head off any requests: the discrete proxy at UQ is no longer accessible from most VLANs). I'm not sure how SSH behaves on specific private VLANs, but it's always been available on my desktop's public 172 address and it's recently started working on UQconnect wifi. I think this is more to do with AP configs, but I know that it happend as a direct result of a single request.

Whether it's still open, I'm not sure - haven't checked for a few weeks. I wasn't expecting emilevictor to get a port forwarded to his private address, rather attempt to make headway towards a broader selection of whitelisted ports. New traffic metering system being implemented by ITS to replace the familiar '' thing. Currently it's being tested internally at ITS and at the QBI and AIBN (also EAIT I discover after discussion with friends today) (possibly also other locations I am not aware of).
It should have some advantages over the existing system, the biggest being that it can do full NAT so non-HTTP ports to the outside internet can work. ITS will probably continue their policy of packet inspection to ensure particular types of traffic aren't let through (eg, FTP or POP) that expose passwords though. Tldr: Broadhop is a commercial internet metering system to replace the internally developed current system.
FTP Because it's entirely sensible that I shouldn't be able to access AARNET's FTP mirror from the wireless network covering it. At least they upgraded their HTTPD a while ago, so now 4GB+ downloads of DVD ISOs is now possible from the UQ wireless network. Ugh, this is what rsync was created for by an Australian at a university also in AARNET, for crying out loud.
This whole thing isn't a lot of fun for the student who maintains Linux servers and needs to SSH wherever when things were broken or just for fun. UQ is a port 80 only connectivity black hole in many ways. It doesn't make sense to allow FTP connections over wireless because passwords are passed through in plaintext. The same goes for basic POP.
If you want to use FTP to internal servers over wireless, use the VPN. As for the other stuff, while it is being worked upon to allow a greater level of service, my understanding is that access to the internet is provided for accessing learning materials. It's not necessarily for managing personal business. Having worked on a helpdesk, a lot of students seem to have some strange ideas about what they 'deserve' from the uni. Griffith does IPsec over their unencypted VPN. Seems to work well enough.
UQ's wireless requires a log-in anyway, why not move that to an IPsec client. Having worked on a helpdesk, a lot of students seem to have some strange ideas about what they 'deserve' from the uni. I think that as students don't exclusively go to university for years, the university should not try to actively hinder efforts for students to live their lives in a commercial world, even if it takes up a minute amount of resources. They're not blocking Facebook or YouTube, so why should they block a student's ability to maintain other technological aspects of their daily lives?

Especially if these are even objectively more important, i.e. Allow them to earn money while at university.
I think that online streaming and the social web have made many of the most common excuses fairly irrelevant, especially as students are paying extra for their download limit anyway. I understand every aspect of your attitude in regard to internet connectivity.
I have lived, continue to study and work at the uni. I've run afoul of internet use policies, and I've helped maintain uni networks.
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I've seen every face the uni has to offer in this regard. There's room for improvement, but there always will be. However, there is a good underpinning for the existing state of the service, but I am not the person to be explaining that in depth to you.
Perhaps we might discuss it at a UQredditor meetup because I know that in the real world beliefs and tempers do not run so hot. Combine pdfs for mac. I shall now bow out of the thread.