First Look: Cardhop For Mac

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Everyone has a contacts list on their smartphone, but few of us keep it up to date. We have our friends and family and a few colleagues in there, plus a bunch of people we haven’t spoken to in years. And when we get new numbers and addresses by text or email, we forget to add them, or we just can’t be bothered because it’s too cumbersome. Cardhop fixes all of this.

  1. First Look Cardhop For Mac Review

It’s smart and easy to use The app sits in your Mac’s menu bar just like Fantastical, so it’s just a click away whenever you need it. Type in the name of a contact you want to get in touch with and Cardhop finds their information in an instant. It takes just a click to create an email, make a call, and more. If the name isn’t recognized, Cardhop lets you create a new entry.

First Look: Cardhop For Mac

And because it understands natural language, you don’t have to sit there filling in a bunch of boxes. Just type something like “Joe Bloggs 1/1/01 555-555-5555” and the app does the hard work for you. You can even drag information into Cardhop from an email or message, negating the need to type anything. You can also use natural language recognition to connect with a contact. Cardhop understands you when you type requests like “message Joe Bloggs” or “email Tom Smith,” and it starts the conversation for you.

Check out how simple it is to use in the promo video below. Cardhop syncs with your favorite services Cardhop is only available on macOS for now, but it syncs with all your favorite calendar services, so you can use it to keep any list up to date across all your devices. Just add the services you wish to use in the accounts section and you’re good to go.

You can now, and it’s currently available with a launch discount at $14.99. After a “limited time,” its price tag will increase to $19.99.

For many years, Office for Mac has played second fiddle to its Windows cousin. If you’ve been struggling with Office for Mac 2011 and suffering from Windows envy, your time has finally come. Last week, Microsoft made a available to the masses, runnable on any OS X Yosemite computer. Surprisingly, the feature set of Office 2016 for Mac is nearly on par with that of the Windows version, with the gaps lying mainly in Excel and PowerPoint.

Naturally, we’ll have to wait for the final, shipping products to draw detailed conclusions. This preview edition includes new beta versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as the previously released. (Outlook 2016 has been updated precious little in the past year and not at all since January; it’s.) If you already have Office 2011 installed, the new Office 2016 will run side by side on the same Mac with no interference. Looking to run office productivity apps on the go? Check out InfoWorld's comparisons of. Editing in the cloud? Check out our.

Keep up on key mobile developments and insights with the. Note that the preview ain’t tiny.

In this beta incarnation, Word 2016 alone is bigger than the entire Office for Mac 2011 suite. You’ll need 5.6GB of disk space and up to 10 minutes for installation, depending on the speed of your Mac. As to be expected, we have no idea how much Microsoft will charge for the stand-alone version by the time it ships later this year. As: “Office 365 commercial and consumer subscribers will get the next version of Office for Mac at no additional cost.” Across-the-board changes If you’re an Office for Mac 2011 user, you’ll be struck immediately by the updated interface. If you have a Retina screen, wow - the interface adjusts itself automatically, and the high resolution comes shining through everywhere, thanks to Microsoft switching over (almost) completely to Apple’s Cocoa APIs.

I’ve never seen Office look so good on any platform (see Figure 1). Is there a hwmonitor like program for mac. Figure 1.

Office 2016 for Mac takes full advantage of the Retina screen. If you’re coming from Office for iPad, Android, or Windows 10, the Mac interface is completely different. Office 2016 for Mac unabashedly embraces the traditional keyboard-and-mouse/trackpad paradigm and doesn’t make any awkward trade-offs for touch-driven operation,. Remarkably, if you currently use Office 2011, most of the interface will feel comfortable. If you use Office 2013 for Windows, you’ll be right at home. The ribbons have been reorganized and the icons redesigned, but almost all of the old Office 2011/2013 options have immediately recognizable analogs in the new version. There’s no “backstage” in Office 2016 for Mac, as there is in Office 2013 for Windows, so simple file management tasks - renaming, Save As, delete, copy, move - aren’t supported inside Office itself.

Office 2016 for Mac bakes OneDrive into the product. When you save a new document, as shown in Figure 2, Office defaults to your OneDrive Documents folder.

First Look Cardhop For Mac Review

To save a new file to your local computer, click the On My Mac button. Microsoft makes it easy to use OneDrive and hard to use anything else. You can add online services to the Save As dialog (click the Add a Service link), but at this point only OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint are available. Presumably Dropbox will appear as an option at some point.

I haven’t heard any official discussion of adding iCloud as an anointed Service link, although you can laboriously save a file to iCloud by clicking On My Mac, then choosing iCloud Drive. To open files, you have to use the On My Mac button in the current Office app.

Even if use use the Mac's standard File Open menu command or Command-O shortcut you're brought to the decidedly non-Mac file manager in Office. You then click Open My Mac, and only then do you get the standard OS X Open dialog.

Working with local files, iCloud Drive files, and files in cloud storage other than Microsoft's own services is thus both awkward and time-consuming. Word 2016 for Mac On the Word front, Microsoft has a clumsy new collaborative editing capability that allows more than one person to work on a document simultaneously. Unlike, which keeps collaborating edits updated in real time, Office requires a manual save on both sides - you won’t see changes made by your collaborator until she saves/syncs the document, then you save/sync the document. When changes have been made to a shared document and saved, an Updates Available notification is supposed to appear, but I couldn’t get that to work.

Figure 3 shows the results of a collaboration, with an update and dual save between Word 2016 for Mac and Word 2013 for Windows. Items changed by your collaborator appear with a green highlight. The “2” in the upper-right corner signifies that two people are working on the document. Although collaboration works properly among Word 2016 for Mac and Word 2013 for Windows, I had trouble getting the sync to work in Excel. As best I can tell, Office 2016 for Mac does not do autosaves; I could find no way to turn that capability on.

Office 2016 doesn't support Yosemite’s native autosave feature either. Word has several other new features. With a Styles pane on the right, it's quick and easy to apply styles to selected characters or paragraphs. It’s functionally equivalent to the Styles pane in Word 2013 for Windows, though the appearance is quite different. Microsoft says there’s a new threaded comment capability, which as best as I could tell is identical to threaded comments (comments made to comments) in Word 2013 for Windows.

The same observation applies to the new Picture Format ribbon, which is almost identical to the Picture Format ribbon in Word 2013 for Windows. The new multifunctional Navigation Pane adds one navigation type to the three already found in Word 2013 for Windows - headings, page thumbnails, search results - so you can now navigate by type of change (insertions, deletions, moves, formatting, comments).

At this point, there are no Quick Parts available for document assembly. I encountered one file-rendering problem. As you can see in Figure 4, a DOCX file that opens and displays properly in Word 2013 for Windows gets hopelessly scrambled when opened in Word 2016 for Mac.

This newsletter renders properly in Word 2013 for Windows, but gets jumbled in Word 2016 for Mac. The misbehaving file isn’t a specially constructed format-buster. I found it in the wild.

It consists of many text boxes with wrapped photos. Much of the text in the text boxes gets dropped entirely. One would reasonably expect that all versions of Word would properly render a file created in Word 2013. In this case, Word 2016 for Mac falls short.

First Look: Cardhop For Mac

In default Normal paragraph styles between Word 2016 for Mac and Word 2013 for Windows. To a first approximation, Normal on the Mac uses single-line spacing and 12-point Calibri, while Normal on Windows uses 1.08-line spacing and 11-point Calibri. The styles carry across, so the text in a document created in Word 2016 for Mac is going to look big in Word 2013 for Windows, for example.

A poster named Jody provides an excellent description of why and how this happens in the comments to Thurrott’s article. There's no indication yet whether that’s a known problem, a change coming in Word 2016 for Windows, or simply beta blues.