Livestation For Mac
Livestation brings together one of the most impressive and widest selection of channels from around Europe under one easy to use and elegantly presented package. Unlike many P2P TV apps, Livestation has official agreements with major channels such as BBC World, CNN and The Discovery Channel meaning that you're guaranteed high quality programming and images. Even better you can interact with other users very easily via an online chat function which also gives viewers a chance to rate their favorite channels. You can add channels by going to the developer website and simply clicking 'Add to player' and you'll find that it's automatically added to your channel list in Livestation. The presentation of Livestation is simply superb - you can select channels in a 3D revolving list of logos in much the same way as you do albums in iTunes. The quality of the streams in terms of video and sound is first class and expanding it to full screen mode still retains excellent quality. The latest version has added several handy new features.
Not only have more interesting channels been added - The United Nations TV Channel and UNHCR Channel - but you can now tweet directly from Livestation. Simply add your Twitter username and password and a special screengrab function allows you to post images of what you're watching at any time. The search function has also been significantly enhanced allowing you to filter results by Premium Partner, Viewer Added and Free Partner. On the downside, the chat function is still sparsely populated. You might find that many channels simply have no one to chat to. There's also no way to record programs which I'd like to see in the next release. If you don't have regular access to a TV or are on the move and want the highest possible quality TV programming via the net, then Livestation will not disappoint.
By Anonymous Rated minus 5. Open it and it asks you to register. After registering (email add and a password), it asks you to sign in with the email and password. But after doing so, it repeatedly denies access. Checked email, no confirmation, nothing. Requested password request (to make sure), still no email; but instead it redirects you to its site, which only has boring news and corporate channels you can find on the internet yourself. Perhaps a trick to get you to subscribe.
What a cheap lure! Reviewed on April 13, 2012. By Anonymous Where is 'PowerPC' version? No link apparent for OS X 4.11 Power PC version (Livestation works as Intel only).
Livestation For Mac Download
Tell i f I'm wrong; then delete this rating. (Rating input site itself: the 'review' section is limited to 100 characters, but says 'Your review's pretty short - tell us more about this program.' ) Init I said (99 characters): Details under the download link say 'download PowerPC' version for OS X 10.4.11 - where's the link? Cons: No link apparent for OS X 4.11 Power PC version (Livestation works as Intel only). Tell if I'm wrong; then delete this rating. (Rating input site itself: the 'review' section is limited to 100 characters, but says 'Your review's pretty short - tell us more about this program.'

) Init I said (99 characters): Details under the download link say 'download PowerPC' version for OS X 10.4.11 - where's the link? Reviewed on February 4, 2011. Articles about Livestation.
About the App. App name: Livestation. App description: livestation (App: App website: Install the App. Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key. Run in Terminal app: ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL /dev/null; brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask 2 /dev/null and press enter/return key. If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue.
Livestation For Mac Mac
When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish. Run: brew cask install livestation Done! You can now use Livestation.