Mediainfo 0.7.62 Download For Mac

. Written in, 4.5 Available in 36 languages Website MediaInfo is a and program that displays technical information about media files, as well as tag information for many audio and video files.
It is used in many programs such as,. It can be easily integrated into any program using a supplied MediaInfo.dll. MediaInfo supports popular video formats (e.g., ) as well as lesser known or emerging formats. In 2012 MediaInfo 0.7.57 was also distributed in the.
Mediainfo 0.7.62 Download For Mac

MediaInfo provides a for displaying the provided information on all supported platforms. Kvr audio releases ufo for mac. Additionally, a for viewing the information on and is provided. Users that want to have the Windows GUI version of the software can choose to download it bundled with the to support the software's creators. Contents.
Technical information MediaInfo reveals information such as:. General: Title, author, director, album, track number,. Video:,. Audio:, channels, language,. Text: language. Chapters: numbers of chapters, list of chapters MediaInfo 0.7.51 and newer retrieve codec information optionally from tags or by computation.
Thus in the case of misleading tags erroneous codec information may be presented. MediaInfo installer was previously bundled with '. However, you were able continue the installation process without installing it. This is no more the case since April 2016.
Supported input formats MediaInfo supports just about any video and audio file including:. Video:, (VOB), (Mpeg-4 AVC). Audio:,. Subtitles:, Supported operating systems MediaInfo supports XP or later, and many and distributions. MediaInfo also provides source code so essentially any operating system or platform can be supported. An old version 0.7.60 for Windows 95 to 2000 exists.
There is a thread for MediaInfo developers also covering simplified and modified implementations. Licensing Up to version 0.7.62 the MediaInfo library was licensed under the, while GUI and CLI were provided under the terms of the.
Starting with version 0.7.63 the project switched to a ('Simplified BSD License'). See also. ^ on MediaInfo website. Retrieved 2014-02-28.
Retrieved 2014-02-28. Retrieved 2014-02-28. MediaInfo at MediaInfo developers.
Retrieved 13 February 2013. Project muldersoft. Retrieved 2013-12-29. Dirk Paehl (2013-12-11).
Archived from on 2013-12-30. Retrieved 2013-12-29.
Retrieved 2013-12-29. on MediaInfo website External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to.