Quick Start Instructions For Mac

Posted by admin

Quick Start Instructions If you are using a Linux or Unix Web server with all required components installed, follow these steps to install Movable Type:. Use a Web browser to connect to the Movable Type Download page and follow instructions there to download the Unix/Linux/Mac OS X (.tar.gz) release file to your personal computer. Extract the Movable Type files from the release file into a new folder on your local computer. You will need a program that can uncompress and extracts tar files. If you don’t have such a program, you can learn how to get one on the gzip home page,. Start your FTP program and connect to your Web server using your server login name and password. Copy the mt-static directory from your local computer to the Web root directory on the Web server.

Open the cgi-bin directory on your Web server. Make a new directory within it named mt. Copy all of the other Movable Type installation folders and files to the mt directory.

Make sure all the Movable Type cgi files (files ending with.cgi) in the mt directory on the Web server have execute permission. You should be able to select these files and check their properties with your FTP program. Make sure the support directory found within your mt-static directory is writable by your web server. Start a Web browser and run the installation wizard by connecting to the following Web address: where “domainname” is the domain name for your blog. Follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard, to complete the installation and set up your Movable Type user name, password, and blog name. If you encounter problems during the installation, see.

On January 2, 2008, 5:35 a.m. Hi i get this error message, what is wrong?

Got an error: Class/Accessor.pm did not return a true value at (eval 10) line 3. Propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/base.pm line 85. BEGIN failed—compilation aborted at /home/dummy/publichtml/cgi-bin/mt/extlib/Class/Accessor/Fast.pm line 2. Compilation failed in require at (eval 9) line 3. Propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/base.pm line 85.

BEGIN failed—compilation aborted at lib/MT/Component.pm line 10. Compilation failed in require at (eval 8) line 3. Propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/base.pm line 85. BEGIN failed—compilation aborted at lib/MT/Core.pm line 5. Compilation failed in require at lib/MT.pm line 954.

On March 18, 2009, 11:28 p.m. Yeah, great software and website. (1) It takes me seven clicks to find this bloody documentation page. (2) When I do, it tells me nothing.

I’ve uploaded my CGI files, chmodded the.cgi files to 755 so they’re executable for sure, but now when I see it gives me a nice “500 Server Error” from the 90s. (3) Is there any suggestion in the “Troubleshooting Tips”? That page is written for people with dementia. If the darn thing doesn’t work, thanks to this lovely choice of Perl CGI as a technology why release the damn thing? PS: My CGI is perfectly functional. The Error Log gives no clue. Can’t your seasoned developers try and catch the most obvious errors with Perl’s outdated technology if they absolutely must use this crap?

Quick start instructions for macrium reflect

On May 19, 2009, 7:24 a.m. Pkhunte (2) When I do, it tells me nothing. I’ve uploaded my CGI files, chmodded the.cgi files to 755 so they’re executable for sure, but now when I see it gives me a nice “500 Server Error” from the 90s. Try tailing your error log files, tail -f. “Server Error from the 90’s”???

This is served by your web server config not anything from their software. Why would you want your public web server to report detailed errors available to the public? That’s what the error logs are for. (3) Is there any suggestion in the “Troubleshooting Tips”? That page is written for people with dementia. If the darn thing doesn’t work, thanks to this lovely choice of Perl CGI as a technology why release the damn thing?

PS: My CGI is perfectly functional. The Error Log gives no clue. Can’t your seasoned developers try and catch the most obvious errors with Perl’s outdated technology if they absolutely must use this crap? On my install, it took me 9 minutes If you’re expecting plug and play, may I suggest a hosting provider like livingdot.com Excellent hosting and they know how to run a web server. On July 9, 2009, 1:02 p.m.

First off I love Movabletype.you guys rock. I can’t wait to get it operating properly.

I see that movable type allows me to create multiple blogs on different domains all within the same root folder which is very powerful. My question is about installing on a linux server. I do not have a cgi bin folder and from what I read is that you can install the mt-static server within the root, and just change the.htaaccess or http.conf file. The documentation you have for the linux instructions say to do thiswith the appropriate path Options Indexes ExecCGI “ If my path to my movable type files are should I put the following code in my.htaaccess file?

Quick Start Instructions For Machine Learning

Options Indexes ExecCGI Is there anything else I need to do to the http.conf file as well? On July 19, 2009, 6:02 p.m. Hi, I came so far to make “Welcome to Movable Type.This wizard will help you configure the basic settings needed to run Movable Type” page appear. But then it goes saying that mt-static could not be found, that I had to move my static files to the directory first or correct the setting if it is incorrect. “This directory has either been renamed or moved to a location outside of the Movable Type directory. Once the mt-static directory is in a web-accessible location, specify the location below.” Where should mt-static be located? I have /www folder under my ftp client’s remote site directory, and I placed mt-static under www first.

Above page appeared then. When I tried moving mt-static under first (top) directory, which I thought where it should be, considering its given path (mydomain/mt-static) and the MT-manual instructing to place it “under root server”, then it proved completely wrong.

Cgi permissions are all set to 755. I tried mt-static/support with file attributes set to 222 and 777, neither has helped work it out. Here I also don’t know which is correct, all/which users with only write permission or read also added? How can I fix the static thing and start MT-installation? Thank you very much for all hints! On September 19, 2009, 5:17 a.m.

Quick Start Instructions For Macquisition

Quick Start Instructions For Mac

I’m anxious to get Moveable Type up and running. However, I’m having terrible trouble. First, I was so excited I didn’t follow the instructions properly, I put all the install files in a folder named mt on my root server. I was able to log in, but couldn’t get past the location screen. Then I re-read the instructions and I followed the instructions put cgi files in their own directory in the cgi-bin directory, checked the permissions made an mt-static folder, put the rest there. Now I’m in worse shape than I was before. Errors all over the place.

Quick Start Instructions For Mach 3

When I search for documentation I find conflicting instructions (possibly from different release versions) Any-one have any suggestions out there? I’m about to delete everything and start over. On November 5, 2009, 4:45 p.m. I am in the “dashboard” - not a clue as what to do, fumbled around made a “Blog” named “Internatonal News” published it ok but, when I go to view it, I am getting 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

I don’t get this — I set up the IISUsr accounts as per instructions and all that — is there anybody out there that is familiar with setting this up on a IIS7 Web Server 2008 Dedicated Server? Please help, thanks. And I suppose if I can ever get to view a blog, are there any “pre-made” web templates to purchase or use? I really don’t want to spend a whole bunch of time designing a web site Thanks.