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KIP MediWeb™ can memorize invoices Wouldn’t it be nice to fill out an entire invoice with just one click? KIP MediWeb™ can memorize invoices so you can recall them whenever you want. It’s easy, and it saves so much time. Here’s how: While you are entering an invoice for a patient, just before you click the SAVE button: Choose Memorize Invoice from the Edit menu That’s it! KIP will ask you to name your invoice so you can find it more easily. Whenever you want to recall this invoice, simply click the AUTO-FILL button on the invoice screen and pick your saved invoice. The invoice gets filled in exactly how you memorized it.

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You can memorize as many invoices as you like. Don’t worry, if you need to change something, just open the Memorized Invoices from the Lists menu and make whatever changes you need. Here’s a scenario. Let’s say you are always entering an invoice with 6 lines on it, something like this. (click image to enlarge) This invoice would take a long time to enter. There are four diagnosis codes, a bunch of modifier codes, and each line has to have a diagnosis pointer associated with the correct CPT code.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to just be able to recall this invoice any time you want? That’s what that AUTO-FILL button is for. See it at the bottom of the invoice? Click AUTO-FILL and the invoice gets filled out exactly how you Memorized it. The invoice isn’t saved yet, so you can add or delete a line if you need to.

Believe me, this is a real time-saver. Memorized invoices are good for one line invoices, too!

It’s easier to remember something like NEW MEDICARE PATIENT instead of a few diagnosis codes and the CPT Code 99213. Or let’s say you need to enter an invoice for an ENDOSCOPIC PLANTAR FASCIOTOMY.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just find the memorized invoice called EPF, instead of having to remember the diagnosis code, CPT Code, and (don’t forget, you have to put) Memorial Hospital as the place of service? Once you start using Memorized Invoices, you’ll be glad you did. The easiest patients to get into the office are your current patients.

Recalling your patients, or just even staying in contact with them, is a must. KIP makes recalling patients as easy as can be, with Ultimate Recalls™. You can use Ultimate Recalls™ to:. Send patients letters. Send patients postcards. Assist your marketing staff in calling and scheduling patients What makes Ultimate Recalls™ so awesome is just how automated it is.

We usually recommend sending out recalls on a monthly basis – on the anniversary of their last exam date. What that means is that in January, you send out notices to patients who were last seen last January.

In February, you send out notices to patients who were last seen last February – and so on. We recommend recalling patients three times, and then trying again next year. This is very easy to do. Let’s say, we want to send out our February recalls this month, plus we want to include all the patients who were recalled in January and December who haven’t been in yet. First, choose Ultimate Recalls™ from the Actions menu.

The window that opens will look like this. You are ready to recall 656 patients (click image to enlarge) Click any of the following buttons:. Print Labels button to print mailing labels for recall cards or letters.

Recall List to print a list with all the information you need to contact patients and schedule appointments. Print Letters to print an to each patient Want total control of your recalls, or a totally customized recall – click the Custom button in the Ultimate Recalls™ window. The Custom button will allow you to:. Recall patients by Diagnosis Code. Recall patients by CPT or Inventory Code. Recall patients by Zip Code.

Recall patients by Age. Recall patients by Sex. Fine tune your last exam range For example, let’s say you want to send a letter out to all patients who have been seen in the last 10 years who live in the Zip Code 08618. Here’s how:. Select Ultimate Recalls™ from the Actions menu. Click the Select All button to quickly select all months.

Click the Custom button. Enter 08618 in the Zip Code field. Enter today’s date in the Last Exam Your window should look something like this. (click image to enlarge) Now click the Continue button and you are ready to go.

You can also enter in partial Zip Codes, CPT Codes, and Diagnosis Codes – so,. if you want all patients with Zip Codes beginning with 077, just type in 077 as your Zip Code. if you want all patients with CPT Codes beginning with 2829, just type in 2829 as your CPT Code. if you want all patients with Diagnosis Codes beginning with 078, just type in 078 as your Diagnosis Code As you can see, it is easy to find patients who are:. female. between the ages of 45 and 65. who have diabetes.

who have been seen in the last 2 years. who have had orthotics. and who live in Trenton, NJ Using Ultimate Recalls™, KIP makes it easy to stay in touch with your patients. Try it today! Did you know that you could use KIP to count days from today – both forward and backward? Use the jump button on the appointment book. The jump button finds you the date any number of days either before or after today.

Let’s say you need to schedule an appointment 63 days from today, to make sure you do not schedule a routine foot care appointment within the global period of todays appointment. Click the Jump button and enter 63. That will go to the day on the appointment book exactly 63 days from today. But did you know it works backwards, too? Let’s say a patient comes in and you are not sure if there previous routine foot care appointment was at least 63 days ago. Click Jump again and enter -63.

That will instantly show you the date 63 days ago. If their last exam was before that, their insurance will cover that appointment. A simple trick that helps a lot.

. If a computer is shared by multiple users, close the browser and reset cookies and cache in between users. VPN is required to access NUPlans from outside the Northwestern network. Logging out of NUPlans will also log you out of other systems that use WebSSO (Single Sign-On), such as NUFinancials. For logging out from NUPlans Web to work correctly, make sure you have updated your browser settings to allow pop-ups from If you don't see the data you expect to see, verify you have accessed the correct system.

NUPlans Web has multiple options available when you log in:. nuforecasting (the forecasting system). nuplanningFYXX (annual budgeting for the XX fiscal year).

Ignore any options that start with 'z'. You can identify which system you’re in by the items in the Applications directory, and the Home page, as shown in the highlighted text below:. Remember that many tabs have horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars. If you don't see something, try scrolling to find the row or column you are looking for. If you have changed the rows or columns in your view in any way, you may not see the data you expect.

If you believe rows are missing from your view, first try resetting the view, to make sure the rows do exist. Select Reset View from the Actions Menu in the toolbar. More information about viewing data in Contributor is available under Views/Data in Contributor, below. More information about viewing data in Contributor is available under Views/Data in Contributor, below. If the rows exist, yet they disappear when you modify columns in the view, you may need to include additional columns to ensure all rows are visible. Many views require the Status column or a column labeled with a dash (-) to ensure rows don’t disappear. Clipboard Access.

Internet Explorer Right-clicking in cells in Internet Explorer may prompt you if you want to allow access before allowing you to proceed. To avoid this message in the future, you can update your settings:. Make sure you have added NUPlans as a trusted site. Tools Internet Options Security Trusted Sites Sites button. Add the URL. Click the Custom level button and scroll to the Scripting section. Make sure Allow Programmatic clipboard access is enabled.

Chrome To enable copy/paste functionality, you need to install the TM1 Clipboard Web Extension plugin. Locate the IBM Cognos TM1 Web Clipboard Extension file in the Chrome Store. Click on the + Add To Chrome button in the upper right hand corner to install it. Firefox To enable copy/paste functionality, you need to install the TM1 Clipboard Web Extension plugin. Locate the IBM Cognos TM1 Web Clipboard Extension file.

Click the + Add to Firefox button to install it. Navigating to a New Page.

Some data in NUPlans export to Excel better than others. Reports include formatting that is optimized for Excel. To export more detailed data, make sure to include the chart field columns for fund, department, project, account and account type, depending on what is relevant for the data you are exporting. This will make it easier to manipulate the data in Excel, if necessary. There are also published subsets that start with '- Detailed' that will not include subtotal rows, to further support any manipulations in Excel.

Buttons Some users may encounter problems removing buttons (such as the Refresh Report button) from exported Excel spreadsheets. Most reports have a tab on the far left for a printer-friendly version, which doesn't have any buttons on it. If you still need to remove buttons after exporting to Excel, and if right-clicking and selecting Delete or Cut doesn’t work, try the following:. If you cannot already see a Developer tab in Excel, follow the instructions at this link to get it:. Once the tab is available, click on it and select Design Mode from the Controls section of the toolbar. Click the button you would like to remove.

Use the key to delete it. Data Access Restrictions. For more information on entering and saving data in Contributor, refer to the Remember that using the key or selecting an item from a dropdown menu will cause your data to be saved automatically, which will reload the page in the same way that clicking the Recalculate icon does. If you Commit or Submit your budget, your data is also saved. If you have unsaved data and attempt to close the Contributor window, NUPlans will prompt you to save your data. Note that if your data is still in black font (if you did not tab or click in another cell) you will not get a warning and will lose that cell’s data. If you choose OK (the default), your data is saved and the window is closed.

If you choose Cancel your data will not be saved and the window is closed, so you will lose your changes. Saving in NUPlans Web. Data Entry. When you enter data in NUPlans Web your changes display in a green font once you tab or click in another cell. This indicates the data is unsaved. To save your work: Click the Recalculate button in the toolbar, or the Recalculate or Refresh button on the page, if one exists. Selecting an item from a dropdown menu also automatically recalculates and saves your work.

In addition, if you navigate to another tab in NUPlans Web, and then click back on the tab where you made changes, recalculation occurs. Recalculating causes the data to be calculated for portions of the page affected by your changes, and those values will turn black and your work will be saved to the database. Use of the key in NUPlans Web does not save your data. Data in NUPlans Web does not need to be Committed or Submitted, as saving makes the data publicly available in the database.

Tabs in NUPlans Web. NUPlans Web opens a separate tab within the NUPlans Web page for each view or form. Each tab has a small x that can be used to close it. You can also close active forms by using the Close options in the Actions Menu in the toolbar. In the image below, Add Account to String is the active form, indicated by the white shading in the tab title:. If you have unsaved data on your active form and attempt to close the form within NUPlans Web, you will be warned that you have unsaved data. If you choose 'OK', your data is not saved and the tab is closed, so you will lose your changes.

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If you choose 'Cancel' your data is not saved and the tab will not be closed, so you can continue working. All Forms in NUPlans Web. If you attempt to close the browser window or tab, NUPlans will prompt you to confirm you want to end your session or that you want to leave the page. If you choose 'Leave this page' (the default), the browser will close, and if you have unsaved data, your changes will be lost.

NUPlans Web does not warn you that you have unsaved data in this case. If you choose 'Stay on this page' your browser window will not close, and you can continue working. If you click the Log Out link in the upper right corner of the page and you have unsaved data, you will not be prompted to save and will lose any unsaved data. August Forecasting Period. Since August is the close of the fiscal year, only limited forecasting data entry will be supported. Authorized users will be able to enter performance adjustments, all funds performance input, and comments. No other data entry will be allowed.

All chart string forecasts will default to 'Total Actuals.' .

More information: September Forecasting Period. During the September forecasting period, August forecast data can still be entered, and August of the previous fiscal year will be the default forecasting period.

More information:. The forecasting period will default to the current fiscal year once October financial data is imported in early November. Budget groupings in NUPlans have parent/child relationships. Most users are only authorized for child budget groupings, but it’s possible to be authorized for a parent, which also allows access to all children. For example, in the screenshot below, Training Group A is the parent of Training 001 through Training 004. Forecasting can only be done at the child (lower) level.

Data at the parent level is always read-only. The following forms allow use of parent budget groupings to update forecasting data:. Preload Adjustments. Preload Forecasting Method.

Update Specific Reports. Submit Budget Grouping. Use of parent budget groupings in other forms may cause errors. Chart String Forecasting, Summary Forecasting, and many reports support filtering data by the management level attribute from NUFinancials. Any management level attribute changes in NUFinancials are imported into NUPlans Forecasting nightly. If the management level for a chart string changes, any forecasting data already entered for that chart string will no longer be available.

You may reenter forecasting data for the open forecasting period once the management level is updated in NUPlans overnight. Standard views and forms are published in NUPlans Web in the Applications directory. To temporarily modify published views, either select from published dimension subsets (prefixed with a dash (-)) or, use the Subset Editor to create a more specific subset. More information about modifying views is available in beginning on page 4. Advanced users may use the Views directory to open other/alternate views, or to access private saved views. Published views are prefixed with a dash (-).

Users should not open views prefixed with a “z” as those are for system processing only. You must have ownership of a budget grouping to be able to enter data. If you are unable to enter data (if all cells are gray), first verify you have ownership of the budget grouping. The NetID of the current owners displays in the lower right corner of the budget grouping window:. Verify the budget grouping/version can be edited using the Version Summary view.

If a version is 'Complete' it can no longer be edited. Editing version 3 (the area-approved budget) is only available to users who are authorized for the budget grouping's parent. Most users can only view version 3.

Additionally make sure you are on a view that allows editing. The Version Summary, Comp Totals, Comp Summary, Comp Fund Overview, Benefit Rates and Endowment Rate views are read-only. The Carry Forward and Allocations views only allow editing in the Comments column. More information on ownership can be found in the Committing Data. Remember that you must take ownership to be able to enter data.

Refer to the Ownership information above, and make sure you are the current owner before attempting to enter data. If you open a dimension in Contributor, usually the first element in the dimension will automatically be selected, even if the Contributor view shows more than one element.

Unless you are purposely changing the view, it is best to click Cancel or use the X in the upper right corner to close the pop-up window. This will help to avoid accidentally modifying the view, as Contributor defaults to OK, which will save the selected element only. If your data or the rows/columns in your view don’t look as you expect them to, try one of the following:. Views in NUPlans are configured with zero suppression on rows. This prevents unnecessary data from showing up in a view.

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If you have unchecked the Suppress Zeros on Rows selection, or selected the Suppress Zeros on Columns selection from the Suppress Zero Values icon, you may see additional rows, or not see columns, respectively. Make sure Suppress Zero Values looks like this: Alternately, resetting your view as described below will fix zero suppression if it is incorrect. If the rows/columns look different, try resetting the view. From the Actions Menu on the toolbar, select Reset Current View from the Reset View menu. This will reset the view’s rows and columns as they were initially configured in NUPlans. If cells are grayed out that you think should not be (e.g., a chart string that was inactive is now active) or if correct data is not appearing in a greyed out cell (e.g., a linked in column in a fund view), try entering data in a cell that allows it and recalculating. The changed data and subsequent recalculation will reload the page and update the view appropriately.

You can then change the data in the cell back to what it was. Contributor may adjust the page when it reloads your view, based on the cell you were working on. Filtering your view to select a smaller number of rows or columns can minimize this behavior. More information on the above actions (resetting and filtering) can be found in the You can also view more than one view at a time. While one view is open, click on a different view tab at the top, and hold and drag that view below your original view. Release the mouse when you see a dotted rectangle appear above the mouse location. The result is a layout such as this one: You can restore your original layout by choosing Reset Tabs from the Reset View menu in the Actions Menu on the toolbar.

While working in Contributor, if you modify a subset that is used in multiple Contributor views, the subset changes will persist across all views that use the named subset. In addition, the view you modified is saved for that budget grouping, so the next time you open the budget grouping, the view will include your modifications.

However any other views that also use that subset will not be saved. For example, if you modify the GAccount subset in the Fund 110 Input view, and then navigate to the Fund 171 Input view, the subset changes will also show in that view. If you close the budget grouping window and then reopen it, the changes to the Fund 110 Input view will still exist, however the Fund 171 Input view will not be changed. Remember that if a view has been modified or is not displaying the information you expect to see, try resetting the view.

Admin Page 4 Kip Medical Software For Mac

Error Taking Ownership. One user cannot take ownership away from another user. Instead, an owner can Release Ownership from the Contributor dashboard, using the Release Ownership icon, or by right-clicking on the node and selecting Release.

If the budget grouping isn’t in an Available state, another user will receive an error message if they try and take ownership. If the owner isn’t available to release ownership themselves, users with the Prep File role can use the Release Ownership form in the Administrative directory in NUPlans Web to remove the current owner. Contributor Dashboard Display Settings. myHR data in Comp Input includes annualized salary data from myHR as well as payroll data (including encumbrances) for existing employees as of March 31. The myHR annual rate is included on all funding lines that have non-zero distribution percentages.

Vacancy data from myHR is also included in Comp Input. Vacant positions appear at the bottom of the employee list. A position that is currently vacant but had an incumbent earlier this year will appear as a vacant position in addition to the position appearing for the previous incumbent. The annual rate for vacancies represents the budgeted salary for the vacant positions. The budgeted salary appears on all funding lines. Vacancies were brought into NUPlans on March 31, based on those with an employee status of A (active), P (leave with pay), or L (leave of absence). It excludes these salary plans: Student (STU), Graduate Medical Education (GME), Temporary (TMP), and Miscellaneous (NWU) and these position categories: Adjust (ADJ), University College (UNC), Contributed Services (CNT), and Health System Clinicians (HSC).

In addition a vacancy without any funding will not appear in NUPlans. Imported Data. During Budget Prep, NUFinancials budget and actuals (including encumbrance) data is as of March close of the current fiscal year. Data from myHR is as of March 31. Grant projects include those with an end date on or after April 1.

All imported amounts are rounded to not include decimals, so may differ slightly from source data. Budget and grant chart strings in NUPlans are updated nightly based on activity in NUFinancials. However, previously imported data such as historical budget/actuals amounts will not change.

Parent Budget Groupings. Budget groupings in NUPlans have parent/child relationships.

Most users are only authorized for child budget groupings, but it’s possible to be authorized for a parent, which also allows access to all children. For example, in the screenshot below, Training Group A is the parent of Training 001 through Training 004. Budgeting should only be done at the child (lower) level.

When entering data, you must take ownership at the lower level and enter data there. If you're not sure which level you've taken ownership of, check the Contributor dashboard.

In the screenshot below, the value in the Ownership Node column doesn't match the value in the Name column. This indicates ownership was taken at a higher level than the budget grouping itself, i.e. At the parent level. If you have taken ownership at the parent level, even if you are not encountering errors, you must take action to remove your parent budget grouping ownership. Refer to Known Issues (below) for more information on how to resolve this issue, under the following topics:. Commit and Submit Icons Unavailable.

Entered Data Disappears Drilling to Data. Placeholder budgeting provides five default/generic placeholders (New Employee 01 - 05). Additional customized placeholders can be added in NUPlans Web. The Add Placeholder Data Websheet tab allows you to select one placeholder and as many lines as you'd like. The Add Placeholder Data – Simple view allows you to select one placeholder, and will show one line for that placeholder. The Add Placeholder Data view shows five lines per placeholder and department/project (security element). If you are using one of the Add Placeholder Data views and you have taken ownership yet cannot enter or view placeholders, you may need to change the Context.

Verify that the HRDeptProject selected is in the budget grouping you’re working in. If not, click the arrow on the right side of the dimension and select any chart string in your budget grouping.

To add more lines, use the Edit Placeholder Data view. It only shows lines that already have data, however you can use the Add Line? Column to add up to 45 total lines per placeholder and security element. MyHR Data on Grant Chart Strings. You may receive errors such as:.

Operation Failed. System has encountered a problem while handling your request. The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large. A process (such as updating reports) may appear to stop running, but the page doesn’t look updated.

A view or form has been opening for a long time, and hasn’t finished loading. If you encounter these errors:. Log out of NUPlans and then log back in. If you continue to have problems after logging back in, close the browser completely before logging back in. When you reopen NUPlans the problem should be resolved. If you continue to encounter problems, try resetting your cookies and cache.

If you receive these kinds of errors while running a process (such as updating reports or adding an account) it’s possible the process completed without an error so there may be no further action required. Otherwise if your process did not complete, you should be able to do it now. If you are updating reports, remember to check the report update time for the budget grouping to verify if the process to update reports completed successfully. Best mp3 converter youtube for mac.

Remember that trying to view large amounts of data at once can cause views to load slowly, and can negatively impact other system users as well. Modify your view to narrow it as much as possible. More information about modifying views is available in beginning on page 4.

Also, follow the guidelines to use Published Views and Subsets. Errors Exporting Data. If you encounter errors exporting data, review the following:. The Slice to Excel functionality is not enabled in NUPlans.

Instead choose Snapshot to Excel when you export data. Exporting may give you an option to select dimension titles to export. NUPlans defaults to not selecting dimension titles, which is the recommended option.

If you choose dimension titles to export and encounter errors, try the export without selecting any dimension titles. If exporting doesn’t work, make sure File Downloads are enabled on your browser. First, make sure you have added NUPlans as a trusted site by adding the URL via Tools Internet Options Security Trusted Sites Sites. Second, click the Custom level button and scroll to the Downloads section. Make sure all three download options are enabled. Excel Crashes after Form Export.

You may experience an Excel crash when exporting a form to Excel with a button on it and attempting to save the file using Excel 2010 or 2013. To avoid the crash, use one of these options after exporting: Option A: Save the file and close it. Then reopen the file and make any necessary modifications.

Option B: Save the file as an Excel 97-2003 (.xls) file. Option C: Remove the button using one of these methods: a. If possible, delete the tab with the button. If you need information on the tab, delete the button, following the steps in System Tips Exporting to Excel. Drill Windows. If you encounter errors logging into or using Contributor on a Mac, try the following:. Verify your version of Firefox or Chrome.

Supported browser information is available in the. If you are using a supported browser version and still encounter problems, try another browser such as Safari. Contributor Dashboard Display Issues In some cases the Contributor dashboard page may display incorrectly (see below).

If the dashboard looks like the top image below and you don’t see a list of budget groupings to open on the right side of the page (bottom image), follow these instructions: 1. On the left side of the page, right-click on the budget grouping you want to open. Then select the only item available in the menu, Open NUPlans Contributor node.

Incorrect Display: Correct Display: Commit and Submit Icons Unavailable. If you are authorized to edit or submit a budget grouping, you can enter data in white cells, but are unable to click the Commit or Submit icons:.

This occurs if you have taken ownership at the parent level, instead of the budget grouping level. Close all open budget grouping windows, and open the parent budget grouping. Commit your data for the parent budget grouping and close the budget grouping window. In the Contributor dashboard release your ownership of the parent budget grouping. Take ownership and continue budgeting for the appropriate child (lower level) budget grouping.

You will be able to commit or submit your budget for all lower level budget groupings of the parent. Entered Data Disappears. If you are authorized to edit or submit a budget grouping, you can enter data in white cells, but some of the data you enter disappears and you do not receive an error:.

This occurs if you have taken ownership at the parent level, instead of the budget grouping level. Commit your data for the parent budget grouping and close the budget grouping window.

In the Contributor dashboard release your ownership of the parent budget grouping. Take ownership and continue budgeting for the appropriate child (lower level) budget grouping. You will be able to commit or submit your budget for all lower level budget groupings of the parent. Unable to Open View or 'Maximum Memory for Action Exceeded' Error. If you are unable to open a view in Contributor or encounter an error about maximum memory, the system may be attempting to display a view that is too large. Follow these steps to resolve the problem by deleting the view that is too large (deleting the view will not delete any of your data). In NUPlans Web go to nuplanningFYxx for the fiscal year application where you are encountering the error in Contributor.